Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let's make one thing clear...

This blogs intention is not to facilitate the harassment of the individuals profiting off their lottery selection. Sometimes, however, unintended consequences can be undesirable. (metaphor)


  1. Let's make things clear. I don't want these people to be harassed, I just want to provide their name and any contact information about them I can find!

    Some moral high-ground you have, get a life dude. Go be a white-knight elsewhere.

  2. They advertised their name and contact information in an open forum. If they dont want people to have access to it, they should be more carefull with their actions.

  3. Right, a public setting. Somebody could follow you around in public and berate you, but they don't because of common courtesy and decency.

    Calling this people out is totally self-serving for you. Find other ways to gain esteem. This is a hollow source.

  4. Hello, out of all the people on this list Joel Herring aka Jerring is the most heinous. I'm a good friend of his and he offered me XL tickets for double the value plus a homosexual favor. What a jerk!!!
