Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Round 2..

live tweeting the all Anti-Huskies @UC_AntiHusky

Nathanael Park
Jodi Greene
Matt Blackburn
Zach Thomas
Elise McCormick
Samantha Wesoly
Benjamin Restrepo
Erika Zahina
Marc Nazareth
Neel Rana
Andrew Verbeke

The Following People Hate the Huskies

Andrew Verbeke
Aamir A. Aziz
Kate MacDonald
Brianna Barry
Alex Enos
Ryan Naser
Andrew DaSilva

Part 1 of however many are unnecessary...

WWJCD (What would Jim Calhoun Do)
"Can you smell it? Can you fucking smell it"

"Smells like shit, Bob; a giant shit wave rolling through UCONN again."

"Basketball tickets must have just been released."